And The Winner Is.....

We are so excited about today's blog, because we get to give away the C-Suite Executive Session we offered during our #12DaysOfCSuiteChicks Giveaway!!  If you haven't already heard about 12 Days of C-Suite Pics Inside The Office interview launch, you can learn more about the concept here

Today's winner will receive a C-Suite Pics Executive Session (a $650 value)! C-Suite Executive Sessions are two-hour professional portrait ("head shot") sessions, which include a one hour makeup session and one-hour photo session with up to 4 looks at one client-selected location. Clients receive four (4) professionally finished high resolution and social media optimized digital images and one 8x10 mounted print of their favorite image, selected from a gallery of 15 images. So, you can see why we're excited to announce today's winner!!

For a chance to win, contestants answered our Inside The Office interview questions, and shared at least one of the 12 Inside The Office leader profiles that we posted between December 25 and January 5. Contestants' names were entered into the drawing using a random name generator, once for each time they shared a profile. Thank you, contestants, for sharing your stories with us, and for sharing our Featured Leaders' stories with others!

Before we announce the winner of our contest, we have one more announcement. In case you missed our blog series, here is one more special gift, just for you.  We’ve added all twelve profiles here, to this online flipbook, to make it even easier for you to enjoy, and to share! 

We hope you'll appreciate learning more about a Featured Leader whose interview you may have missed during the launch, or re-reading an interview you've already enjoyed! 

And, right now, we hope you will join us in celebrating our winner of the 12 Days of C-Suite Chicks Executive Session Giveaway: Jaclyn Smith! We can't wait to share more with you about Jaclyn in our April Inside The Office blog! We think you'll love getting to know her through her interview. Congratulations, Jaclyn! We are SO excited to help #BrandYouBeautiful for 2016!!

Thank you again to everyone who participated in our Inside The Office launch, by reading the blog, sharing the blog, entering our contest, or even just wishing us well! And, of course, thank you again to the 12 amazing Featured Leaders we've profiled so far! We look forward to working with more amazing women executives and entrepreneurs like you, but with their own unique gifts and stories to share, in 2016!

Happy New Year!