Inside The Office Day 11, with Lynn Selby

The events and experiences of our lives continually prepare us for what is to come.  That is something Lynn Selby, today's featured #CSuiteChick, has learned.  As she says below, “Timing and positioning are everything”, and as a result, Lynn is currently the founder and CEO of a successful consulting group based in Baltimore, MD.  She is enjoying entrepreneurship, and is walking in the footsteps of some beautiful women role models.  Grab a cup of tea, pull up a chair, and spend a few moments getting to know Lynn!


What is your "day job"?

I am the CEO and founder of The Reed + Selby Consulting Group, LLC, a management consulting firm headquartered in Baltimore, MD.

Who were your heroes, or mentors?

Certainly the women in my family, beginning with my Mother, were my heroes and mentors.  My mother, grandmother and two aunts are strong, supportive and brilliant women who encouraged education, excellence, strength, grace, kindness, perseverance and tenacity. My mother’s favorite phrase is, “It’s a great life if you don’t weaken.” This advice has served me well throughout the years.

When did you decide that you were an entrepreneur, that this would be your journey?

Honestly, entrepreneurship selected me. My husband encouraged me to pursue entrepreneurship for some time, but I always pushed back that I was risk averse (read fearful). For the past seven years, I served as a gubernatorial appointee in the O’Malley administration in Maryland. Following the 2014 election, my tenure ended. As I searched for my next career option, multiple consulting opportunities were presented to me-ones that aligned well with my skills and interests. Five months and six clients later, I am enjoying entrepreneurship more I than could have imagined.

I do believe, however, that timing and positioning are everything. I don't know that I was prepared to launch The Reed + Selby Consulting Group any earlier. On the other hand, my Grandmother was the first entrepreneur I knew, so I suppose it was in my DNA.

If you weren't running your consulting agency, what would life look like?

I honestly believe I’d be an entrepreneur, but focused on something more creative.

If you had it all to do over again, would you do anything differently?

Life really unravels exactly as it should. What’s the adage, “While you are busy making plans, God is laughing”? But all things considered, when I entered college I wanted to pursue public relations or communications with the goal of working for an ad agency or becoming a sports journalist. I ended up as a political science major, so to answer your question, I would have continued along that path. But, no regrets and I never say never. *Wink.*

What do you do for you that brings you absolute joy or peace?

Like most, I enjoy spending time with my husband, family and friends. However, in my alone time I absolutely love watching political news shows, being crafty (any opportunity to break out my glue gun), and finally, I love running. I am so off my schedule, but I enjoy hitting the pavement.

What would you like your epitaph to read?

“She practiced excellence, loved and embraced life to the fullest and gave back to it with unwavering commitment and passion.”

If you were only given one word, what is it that you want people to remember about you?


Is there anything else you wish I'd asked you?

If you could have dinner with one person living or deceased who would it be? I love that question, because it gives me the opportunity to talk about my paternal Grandmother, Ruth Reed. She passed away when I was a young woman, but I remember her vividly and how she, like the other women in my life, helped mold me into the woman I have become. I think of her often, miss her and wonder if she would be proud of the life I have created.